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{{Infobox player
{{Infobox player
| colorcode    = #ffff00
| colorcode    = #a32c24
| skin        = File:Vivyimcskininfaru.png
| skin        = File:Vivyianneskin.png
| name        = Queen-Consort Vivyi "Riron" von Xiao Long of Pittsburgh-Urbis
| name        = Queen-Consort Vivyianne "Vivi" von Pittsburgh-Urbis
| alias        ="Vivi"
| alias        ="Vivi"
"My Wife" by [[Ihrs]]
Slurs, also by [[Ihrs]]  
| pronoun      = they/she/vi
"The Wife" by [[Ihrs]]
"Riron" by [[Ihrs]]  
| pronoun      = they/them
| java        = Vivyi
| java        = Vivyi
| bedrock      =
| bedrock      =
| town        = [[Sappho]]
| town        = [[Elysium]]
| party        = [[LSBIA]]
| party        = [[Liberal_Group_for_Business_and_Temperance|LGBT]]
| offices      =
| offices      =
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = Queen-Consort of the House of [[Pittsburgh-Urbis]] | status = Tenure | term_start = 22th of June, 2022 | term_end = present | predecessor = ''Position established''}}
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = Queen-Consort of the House of [[Pittsburgh-Urbis]] | status = Tenure | term_start = 22th of June, 2022 | term_end = present | predecessor = ''Position established''}}
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = [[Supreme Court|Supreme Justice]] | status = Resigned | term_start = 7th of May, 2023 | term_end = 25th of May, 2023 | predecessor  = ''Position established'' | successor = [[theshmoe35]] and [[MelanieKingReal]]}}
{{Collapsed infobox section begin |last=yes |Government Offices|titlestyle=border:1px dashed lightgrey;}}
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = [[UA Representative]] for [[Sappho]] | status = Resigned | term_start = 27th of May, 2023 | term_end = 28th of May, 2023 | predecessor = Multi-member Constituency}}
{{Collapsed infobox section end}}}}
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = [[Senate|Senator]] for [[Dandelion]] | status = Tenure | term_start = 28th of May, 2023 | term_end = present | predecessor = [[Ihrs]] and [[Kwichii]]}}
{{Infobox office | embed = yes | office = [[Senate]] [[Consul]] | status = Tenure | term_start = 28th of May, 2023 | term_end = present | predecessor  = [[Ihrs]]}}}}

Queen-Consort Vivyi "Riron" von Xiao Long of [[Pittsburgh-Urbis]] is an infamous politician in Infaru who lives in [[Sappho]], [[Dandelion]]. They are most famous for their term as judge, where they caused a great constitutional crisis and almost destroyed the Federal Republic of Infaru. Less known feats are their righteous and heroic efforts to protect lesbians from lesbiphobic factions such as [[G4]]<sup>''(citation needed)''</sup>, [[foxcubensis]]'s crew, the [[Catboy Coalition]], and the [[No Malarkey Front]].

They have a caring personality, sometimes too caring for their own good. Vivyi is also not the brightest individual, and can also be quite stubbornly bold at times, as seen with her as a Supreme Justice in the incident that resulted in a constitutional crisis.
Queen-Consort Vivyianne "Vivi" von [[Pittsburgh-Urbis]] is an infamous politician in Infaru who lives in [[Elysium]], [[Melia]]. They have not served any seat of government, but they have influenced the government a great amount through peaceful, nonviolent protests.

Vivyi is a member of the [[Pittsburgh-Urbis|House of Pittsburgh-Urbis]] as the Queen-Consort because she is married to the head of the monarchy: [[Ihrs|Queen Ihrs]].
Vivyi is a member of the [[Pittsburgh-Urbis|House of Pittsburgh-Urbis]] as the Queen-Consort because she is married to the head of the monarchy: [[Ihrs|Queen Ihrs]].

== Pre-Infaru Parable ==
== History ==

=== Urbisian Troubles ===
=== Urbisian Troubles ===
As Queen-Consort of Urbis, Vivyi spent a great life within Urbis. However, this great life was not everlasting, and Vivyi had to flee from Urbis, due to a communist coup lead by communists [[Deruk]] and [[Renarchat]].
As Queen-Consort of Urbis, Vivyi spent a great life within Urbis. However, this great life was not everlasting, and Vivyi had to flee from Urbis, due to a communist coup lead by communists.
=== The Tearful Travail of Terrible Torture ===
Fleeing from Urbis, Vivyi found pristine lands. North of the lands of Uzanova and the New Urbis Republic, and south of the land of Luniya, Vivyi found what would become Infaru. It was not without hardship, however. On the journey, Vivyi had to suffer the torture of navigating through dense forests by herself, and they found evil foes on the way.
==== Journey through Hell: Suburbs ====
While navigating through the dense forest, Vivyi quite literally fell through the world. They passed out on the fall, but when Vivyi awoke, they saw nothing but fantastical lands. Rolling hills stretch around the horizons, and each hill had at least ten suburbian houses on it, with car-dependent rose connecting people within this utopia.
"Hello, hello!" a mysterious voice greeted.
"Who are you?" Vivyi replied with a question in an unknown direction. Vivyi then heard a chuckle from the ground, and a mysterious texture touched Vivyi's legs. Then it was revealed that a curious creature, a cat, had spawn in front of the Queen-Consort.
"I am the Suburb Serval!" the cat rubbed against Vivyi's legs, "I can take you anywhere within this paradise."
However, the place was not in fact a paradise. As Vivyi traversed through the suburbian hills, it only became apparent that this was a dystopia. People could only use cars to get from place to place. White people were real in this realm. Men were treated as equals with women despite women being the superior gender. It was nothing short of Hell.
"Well, you see, it is Hell!" the cat told Vivyi, "The capital-H Hell!"
"How did I get here... you monster!" Vivyi lashed out at the Suburbian Serval.
The cat hissed, "Well, I trapped you here," the cat licked its paw, "You see, you see, I am working with that Chat you hate so much."
"I knew it... all cats are communists!" Vivyi took revenge on the communist cat and slain the communist kitty with her two greatswords, the Anti-Communist Monados. After killing the communist, Vivyi warped back to where she disappeared, in the dense forest.
Everybody clapped. The end!
==== The Ultimate Battle of Lesbians vs. Communists ====
At the end of the large, dense forest, Vivyi had approached a great, bloody field. On her left, Vivyi saw the evil communists [[Deruk]] and [[Renarchat]], presumably present to spread their communistic control. The former, Deruk, held a great, blood-stained lance and the latter, Chat, held a royal bow, clearly fished straight from a corpse of an innocent royal knight. Vivyi then redirected her gaze to her right and they saw [[Ihrs|Queen Ihrs]], covered in grand armour and wielding a great axe, who was protecting many innocent Urbisian settlers and held a grand pose, showing off Ihrs's nobility and strength.
"A little help over here?" the Queen asked of the observing Vivyi.
"O-of course!" Vivyi replied. Vivyi then stood in front of the Queen, with her two greatswords in hand, "I like your attitude, kiddos, but leave it to Aunt Vivyi. I'll show 'em a thing or three!"
What followed was a fateful fight betwixt the communists and lesbian Urbisians. However, with Vivyi's great strength, the communists were forced to retreat. Vivyi then led everyone to the lands that would become Infaru, and they all settled and formed the to-be capital city of [[Anfealdnes]].
==== The Battle for the Vixens ====
[[Anfealdnes]] unfortunately did not know where the communists had retreat. The communists had hid amongst the people, and all the innocent Infaruans thought that the communists were dead -- long-gone. Everyone had a fox in Anfealdnes. The capital city would become filled with happy vixens, all of which were great citizens of the Federal Republic of Infaru.
One day, this great era would come to an end. [[Deruk]], the evil communist sidekick of [[Renarchat]], genocided all the foxes from the face of Infaru. It was too late when Vivyi and [[Ihrs]] came to attend the evil villain: the foxes were gone.
"What have you done!? You communist!" Ihrs berated the villain.
Deruk turned around, lance over the shoulder, and evilly chuckled, "They were lagging the server! It was necessary."
"Every last one of them..." Vivyi clenched her great swords with her head down to hide her tearful eyes with her bangs.
Deruk noticed the mourning Vivyi and mocked, "Heh, this is what you piggish capitalists deserve."
Before Deruk could even take a breath after concluding that sentence, Vivyi had slain the communist in twain. Everyone clapped. Vivyi and Ihrs would then go on to repopulate Anfealdnes with more foxes and, once they were done with their work in Anfealdnes, left to form [[Sappho|their own town]], for the foxes learned how to manage Anfealdnes themselves.
== [[Sappho|Sapphic]] Stories ==
=== Formation of [[Sappho]] ===
After Vivyi and [[Ihrs]] were done setting up the lands of Anfealdnes, they migrated east to a vast tundra. This is where they would form [[Sappho]] and later [[Dandelion]]. Vivyi played an instrument role in the coal pollution of Sappho and Dandelion.
== Tribunal Tales ==
As a Supreme Justice, Vivyi, worked closely in the [[MLG Triumvirate]] and was closely allied with [[Foxcubensis]], the infamous first President of Infaru. Vivyi then fell from grace due to controversial court rulings and resigned as Justice.
=== Confirmation as Supreme Justice ===
On the 6th of May, 2023, Vivyi was appointed by the Urban Assembly to become a Supreme Justice. They were then confirmed as Justice by the Senate on the 7th of May, 2023.
=== The Great Wait ===
The Justices, at this time, did very little. There were only 2 confirmed Justices of the [[Supreme Court]] during this era: Vivyi and [[Bobbie Botten]]. They could only do very little. When a third Justice eventually did get confirmed, [[Bobbie Botten]], the presidentially appointed Justice, refused to do her duties.
=== The Day of Reckoning ===
Kross and Vivyi, as confirmed Justices, grew tired by Bobbie's inactivity. They then used their judicial power to unjustifiably appoint a third justice, and then issued crazy orders. They fined multiple citizens obscene amounts of diamonds, to be paid to the courts directly. This caused a constitutional crisis, and a second constitution was drafted due to the Justices' incompetence.
==== Resignation ====
After seeing the damage they had caused, Vivyi resigned as a Justice and distanced themself away from the [[MLG Triumvirate]]. They then would become a UA representative, then Senator, then Senate Consul.

=== Legacy ===
=== Formation of [[Elysium]] ===
The legacy of Vivyi as a Supreme Court Justice is the creation of a second, more supreme and strong Constitution for the Federal Republic of Infaru, with more protections against corruption and the like.
After fleeing from the now-communist Urbis, Vivyianne and [[Ihrs]] formed [[Elysium]], a town amongst the clouds. Vivyi got entranced by the stars and sky, and created the [[Elysian Faith]]. Elysium was built up to be very industrialized, notably without any pollution. Vivyi claims that this lack of pollution is a blessing from the Sky Goddess, but the lack of pollution is actually because of the climate-conscious scientists who built the factories.  

== Consulship Chronicles ==
=== Early Infaru ===
As a disgraced Justice, Vivyi looked for new horizons to redeem themself from the infamy she now had. Vivyi then discovered a place where they could make herself useful: the [[Senate]].
The early days of an independent Infaru had a lot of religious strife, and the [[Elysian Faith]] was no exemption. The [[Elysian Faith|Elysians]] often argued with other religions to secure more support, especially [[Pumpkin Valley|Pumpkinism]].

=== A Divisive Consul Election ===
=== Constitutional Crisis ===
The mayor of [[Sappho]], [[Ihrs]], had appointed Vivyi as a senator. Since it was a new session of parliament, the Consul election was ongoing. When the speaker asked for Consul nominations, Vivyi bravely rose their hand.
When the first Infaru constitution was created, there were a multitude of flaws within the document. Vivyi was one of the main opponents of this new constitution, and often proposed new solutions. When [[Remuva]], the maker of the old constitution, allowed for discussion on the topic, they proposed [[sortition]], and Vivyi was already entranced by this proposal. By the end of the same day of the proposal for [[sortition]], Vivyi became one of the main proponents of sortition in a new Infaru constitution. When the second constitution was eventually ratified, [[sortition]] was a part of the judicial selection process. However, this clause was later amended out.

==== Heated Debates ====
=== The LGBT Parties ===
The communist opposition cried, "You're an evil Justice! You'll destroy the country!" Vivyi smartly rebutted at this communists, "At least I didn't sign any communistic executive orders!"
After the new constitution was made, Vivyi created the [[League for Gambling for a Better Tomorrow|LGBT]] party to support [[sortition]] and lesbianism even more. However, it was a very inactive, though loud, party, and barely made any progress on the spread of [[sortition]].

==== Vivyi's Stand ====
Vivyi bravely stood up against the communists, and won the Consul election at a slim 51% victory. The communists cried, despite being the majority. It turns out that the underdog can win, as the underdog savior messiah clearly won here.

==== Inauguration ====
However, one day [[Loup Fox III]] approached the [[League for Gambling for a Better Tomorrow|LGBT]] party. Nya knew of Vivyianne's contrarian personality, and proposed to make a party to oppose the in-government [[Party for the Rejuvenation of Infaru|PRI]]. This resulted in the [[Liberal Group for Business and Temperance|LGBT]]. Vivyi became the leader of this party, with several key figures in tow, such as [[Loup Fox III]], [[Foxcubensis|Sierra Goodfop]], [[Ihrs|Rose von Pittsburgh-Urbis]], and so on.  
This was all a lie. Vivyi was the only one who wanted to be Senate Consul and won by default.

=== Actions as Consul ===
[[Category:Legacy Players]]
Vivyi created many ministries via the Mass Ministry Creation Act and has continued to defend Infaru from evil communists like [[Foxcubensis]], [[Renarchat]], and more
[[Category:Staff Members]]
[[Category:Staff Members]]
[[Category:Season 2]]

Latest revision as of 00:00, 25 January 2024

Queen-Consort Vivyianne "Vivi" von Pittsburgh-Urbis


"The Wife" by Ihrs

"Riron" by Ihrs
Java NameVivyi
Queen-Consort of the House of Pittsburgh-Urbis
22th of June, 2022 - present
PredecessorPosition established
Government Offices

Queen-Consort Vivyianne "Vivi" von Pittsburgh-Urbis is an infamous politician in Infaru who lives in Elysium, Melia. They have not served any seat of government, but they have influenced the government a great amount through peaceful, nonviolent protests.

Vivyi is a member of the House of Pittsburgh-Urbis as the Queen-Consort because she is married to the head of the monarchy: Queen Ihrs.


Urbisian Troubles

As Queen-Consort of Urbis, Vivyi spent a great life within Urbis. However, this great life was not everlasting, and Vivyi had to flee from Urbis, due to a communist coup lead by communists.

Formation of Elysium

After fleeing from the now-communist Urbis, Vivyianne and Ihrs formed Elysium, a town amongst the clouds. Vivyi got entranced by the stars and sky, and created the Elysian Faith. Elysium was built up to be very industrialized, notably without any pollution. Vivyi claims that this lack of pollution is a blessing from the Sky Goddess, but the lack of pollution is actually because of the climate-conscious scientists who built the factories.

Early Infaru

The early days of an independent Infaru had a lot of religious strife, and the Elysian Faith was no exemption. The Elysians often argued with other religions to secure more support, especially Pumpkinism.

Constitutional Crisis

When the first Infaru constitution was created, there were a multitude of flaws within the document. Vivyi was one of the main opponents of this new constitution, and often proposed new solutions. When Remuva, the maker of the old constitution, allowed for discussion on the topic, they proposed sortition, and Vivyi was already entranced by this proposal. By the end of the same day of the proposal for sortition, Vivyi became one of the main proponents of sortition in a new Infaru constitution. When the second constitution was eventually ratified, sortition was a part of the judicial selection process. However, this clause was later amended out.

The LGBT Parties

After the new constitution was made, Vivyi created the LGBT party to support sortition and lesbianism even more. However, it was a very inactive, though loud, party, and barely made any progress on the spread of sortition.

However, one day Loup Fox III approached the LGBT party. Nya knew of Vivyianne's contrarian personality, and proposed to make a party to oppose the in-government PRI. This resulted in the LGBT. Vivyi became the leader of this party, with several key figures in tow, such as Loup Fox III, Sierra Goodfop, Rose von Pittsburgh-Urbis, and so on.