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Elysium, Melia is a town in central Infaru on top of one of many sky islands seen within Infaru. It is the source to many of Infaru's most influential persons and organizations, such as Vivyi, Ihrs, the Elysian Faith, the LGBT, the LGBT, and the very waters of Infaru.

CitizensIhrs, Vivyi, Otermi



The infrastructure of Elysium itself is very mediocre, only having cherry wood paths connecting buildings to each other. However, under Elysium, the Elysian Conduit and C.U.N.T.'s ice rails are present.

An early picture of the Elysian Conduit with ice rail made by C.U.N.T.

The Elysian Conduit

The Elysian Conduit was perhaps the first great project of infrastructure in all of Infaru. It connected Elysium to sea level through a tube of water and forces anything inside it to rise. It is used by Elysians and tourists alike in order to transport goods, visit, etc.


The Cooperative for Universal National Transport (C.U.N.T.) was formed by Vivyi and Ihrs to connect Infaru with incredibly fast ice rail transit. Initially, the SEIC and Chat were opposed to this notion, but later relations were mended. Nowadays, these ice rails are a symbol of central Infaru's interconnectedness, with Harles Farm and Grovemount now being mere minutes away.


Elysium has lots of industry with a multitude of factories, and these factories are:

  • A Vore Farm to produce tons of magma cream and froglights for Elysium.
  • A Nakey-Nakey Machine to produce tons of wool for banners and beds.
  • A Grindr to provide lots of experience, blaze rods, string, bones, arrows, etc.
  • A Cactus Farm for the green dye and sexual toy industries.
  • A Villager Breeder to provide lots of free labour for Elysium.
  • A potato farm.
  • A wheat farm.
  • A camel enclosure.
  • A pumpkin farm for Halloween.
  • A melon farm to anger Pumpkin Valley.
  • A Bumbleby Camp to force bees to pollenate flowers for honey (not to be confused with the homophobic cat) and honeycombs.
  • A bamboo field for scaffholding.
  • A cow crammer for leather.
  • A KFC machine provided by KFC engineers.

Notable Buildings

Elysium has notable buildings that contribute to tourism and provide services. This includes the Fine Art Gallery, a museum of art of lesbians.



Main Page: Elysian Faith

A large part of Elysium's population follows the Elysian Faith, the belief that the sky islands were blessed by the Sky Goddess.


100% of the population of Elysium are lesbians. Needless to say, a lot of lesbianism occurs within Elysium.


On September 16th, 2023, Elysians established a district in Pittsburgh, named after the Mistress of Clouds of the same name.

The Whale

"The Whale," The hot-air balloon that looms over Pittsburgh and thusly Eden.

The airship that brought Elysians to the Southwest is a hot-air balloon shaped like a whale, hence the name. It was very controversial when it first appeared in the area, but now it is just a surveillance balloon system hovering over the Southwest to ensure patriotism is intact in the Southwest.

The Surface of Eden

The massive artificial plateau of Eden.

The surface of Eden is currently very bare. It only features two buildings: its entrance and a convenience store. There are plans to build a church dedicated to the Elysian Faith, however.

The Sewers under Eden, which you have to navigate in order to leave and enter Eden without boarding an airship.

The Sewers

Under Eden, a massive sewer is present, made to filter shit and piss from the pure ichor-infused waters of Elysium brought to Eden. It also hosts the one entrance into Eden for non-Elysians, for Elysians board The Whale to enter and exit Eden. For people using the public road system, they have to navigate through the sewers at some point to get to Pittsburgh.

Notable People

Vivyianne "Vivi" von Pittsburgh-Urbis

Main Page: Vivyi

Vivyi is the founder and leader of the LGBT, and is the Queen-Consort of a royal house of a foreign nation. She is the one who built most of the infrastructure of Elysium.

Rose "Ihrs" von Pittsburgh-Urbis

Main Page: Ihrs

Rose is a founder of the LGBT, and is the Queen of a royal house of a foreign nation. They are known for their very fruitful mining session, providing at least 70 diamonds per trip. Rose is also responsible for most of the factories and farms of Elysium, including the camel enclosure.

Kateryna "Kate" Otermi

Main Page: Otermi

Kate is a recent addition to Elysium and is responsible for harvesting comically large amounts of netherite in the pursuit of mobilization.