31 Fox Street

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Revision as of 02:49, 17 September 2024 by Foxcubensis (talk | contribs)
View of 31 Fox Street from the Allied Building

31 Fox Street is a 7-story building in Urbis City, Infaru. It was built by Foxcubensis and Thinqq on September 5th, 1924, and serves as Kino-Film's headquarters.


31 Fox Street started as a roofless cyan wool structure for Goodfox Incorporated with land given to Koi Goodfox by free by Novak as part of the 1924 Homeless Rebellion. Eventually, as Kino-Film was incorporated, the need for a larger building was broke ground on September 5th, 1924, along with an additional purchased plot.

Originally, the structure started as a small 3 story structure, but eventually the scope grew to a 5 story structure that extends to the Urbis train station, so another land deed was purchased and construction began.

31 Fox Street on September 7th, 1924.

The construction of the roof and floors 4-7 were controversial due to a large amount of Bloatian migrant workers, the equivalent of 8 Faruns, were killed. The causes of death ranged from drunken clumsiness, employees failing to wear hardhats and being crushed by anvils, and falling onto anti-homeless spikes.

A majority of Faruns supported Kino Volchok during the construction, despite the dead bloatians, however a vocal minority opposed the construction. The controversy was so bad that Kino Volchok and Vladimir Markov were sued by censor Tim Stamper, however the case was dropped as negligent manslaughter wasn't actually a crime.

The construction would conclude around September 12th-14th. The build would use ~4,000 brick blocks; over 2,000 granite blocks, 1500 glass panes and over 2000 stone bricks. It is possibly one of the most expensive construction projects in Faru.


Offices in 31 Fox Street

31 Fox Street is the headquarters of Kino-Film. It features several floors, including a basement. The floors contain:

  • Executive offices
  • A ballroom/event space
  • Offices for Kino News, including a recording studio and radio apperatus
  • Offices for Kino-Film
  • A movie set
  • A cozy reading room
  • Storage and archives