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List of Craft Types

Craft Types
Water Ground Air Projectile
Cog Car Airskiff LaunchTorpedo
Caravel Sports Car Airship
Corvette Truck BigAirship


The Basics

Movecraft, at its core, is the process of animating builds. Crafts can theoretically take any shape, but are typically a recreation of the specific craft that it represents (i.e., car crafts will usually look like cars). After building the craft in game, you can pilot it to move it around in the world. Piloting the craft can take the form of commands or signs (See below).

Build Requirements

For a Movecraft craft to work, you need flyblocks, a furnace for fuel, a stick to pilot, and typically it's good to have signs indicating what type of craft it is, but this is not required. A flyblock is a normal block that is able to be part of a craft. All Movecraft crafts require at least one oxidized copper bulb as part of its flyblocks, and anything larger than an Airskiff, Torpedo, and Car require at least one Netherite block. Detailed requirements for craft types can be found on their respective pages.

Manual Control

All vehicles made with Movecraft can be Manually controlled using a stick and signs, excluding the special craft type Torpedo (technically LaunchTorpedo).


All vehicles made with Movecraft require fuel to run, excluding Torpedo craft types, which are self-propelled. To fuel a vehicle, simply make sure a furnace is attached to your vehicle and it has coal, charcoal, or coal blocks in it. Coal blocks are the most efficient fuel source, but are naturally expensive as they require the mining of coal. Charcoal and coal have the same fuel efficiency.


Aircraft created with Movecraft are capable of vertical and horizontal flight, hovering above the ground at various heights depending on the craft type.

Sea travel

Watercraft created with Movecraft are capable of traveling the seas at much more impressive speeds than those offered by typical Minecraft boats. Submarines are also able to submerge themselves underwater and emerge at will.

Transporting Cargo

Almost all Movecraft vehicles can carry cargo using chests and barrels. However, each vehicle has a different limit of cargo to maintain balance. These cargo limits are listed on each craft type's page.


Commands are one of two ways you can interact with crafts.

/pilot (craft type)

Pilots the craft you are on. You must be touching the craft to pilot it.

Note: Typing /pilot and hitting tab will list all craft types.

Example: /pilot car

/cruise (leave blank to cruise in the direction you're facing. Alternatively, you can add a specific cardinal direction or up/down)

Sets your craft to cruise (automatically move) in a specific direction.

Example: /cruise North

/rotate (left/right)

Turns the craft 90 degrees left or right.


Releases your craft so you can modify it. Leaving your craft for long enough will automatically release you from its control.


NOT RECOMMENDED! It destroys the craft you are currently on.


Teleports you back to your craft. Typically used, as the name suggests, to return to runaway crafts that you've fallen off of.

NOTE: Does not work if your craft has been released, so make sure to do it quickly.


Signs are the other way you can interact with crafts. Signs must be physically attached to the craft, and serve as fast but stationary ways to operate your craft.

Note: capitalization matters in certain commands! If you are running into issues, make sure to double check that the signs are written as shown on this wiki page.

To Pilot
Movecraft Sign Content Example
Line 1 Craft Type car
Line 2 Craft Name (Optional) 1925 Poltergeist
Line 3
Line 4

Right click this sign to pilot your craft.

Movecraft Sign Content Example
Line 1 The Craft's Steering Wheel [helm]
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Left click this sign to turn your craft left 90 degrees, right click this sign to turn your craft right 90 degrees.

Movecraft Sign Content Example
Line 1 Release Trigger release
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

This will release your craft, returning it to just normal blocks.

Movecraft Sign Content Example
Line 1 Cruise Toggle Cruise: OFF
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Right clicking this sign will toggle "Cruise Mode", where your craft will automatically move in the direction it's facing.

Projectile Crafts

Projectile crafts are unique, because while it is possible to fire them with commands, it is nearly wholly impractical, as it will sometimes drag the player along with the projectile, ripping them from their main craft.

On Infaru, the only projectile craft is the LaunchTorpedo, colloquially referred to as Torpedoes. Capitalization really matters here! It will not work if you do not capitalize the name properly.

Torpedoes are comprised exclusively out of 1-4 blocks of coal, with the more coal blocks that impact the target making a larger explosion. Torpedoes will fly in a straight line from where they are launched until they either impact a target and detonate or exceed their max range and cease existing. The direction a torpedo fires depends on which direction the LaunchTorpedo sign is facing. It will fly in the direction facing away from the text on the sign.

Torpedo Sign
Movecraft Sign Content Example
Line 1 Firing Mechanism LaunchTorpedo
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Upon firing, the sign will remain where it was and will not be broken. To reload, you must replace the coal blocks, release your main craft, and then pilot it again before you are ready to fire. This is because LaunchTorpedo signs will only work on coal blocks that are part of a broader craft, and you must release and repilot the craft for the reloaded torpedo to be considered part of the main craft.

Thus, it is beneficial to either rapidly use commands to release and pilot the craft after reloading, or to place your pilot and release signs near your torpedo mechanism.