
From Infarupedia
Revision as of 00:36, 29 September 2023 by Wanda061 (talk | contribs)

Melia is a province in Infaru with a population of 6.

Capital CityElysium
TownsElysium and Fungustan
Map of the Province of Melia
Melia map.png

September 2023 Supremacy Crisis

On September 28th, 2023, the Province of Melia passed the "Freedom from Socialist Tyranny Act" in response to the Directed Socialist Front for Infaru's victory in the September 2023 General Election. This act contained the assertion that Melian laws "hold supremacy over the laws of Infaru within the province."

Reaction from Infaru

The reaction from Infaru was swift and fierce. Many believed the situation could escalate into a war, however, Melia backed down from their claims, averting war.


Following the crisis, Deputy Sierra Goodfox, of the opposition LGBT Party, left said party due to the party's alleged involvement in the crisis .