InfaruV2:South East Infaru Company

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Revision as of 21:02, 28 August 2023 by Fizzy (talk | contribs)
SEIC (South East Infaru Company)
NameSEIC (South East Infaru Company)
TerritorySouth East
CitizensDe_Remuva, Avawwashere, Fizzy, Subc0mandante, consumer of termites, AshleyHere, Duck<3

The SEIC (South East Infaru Company) Is a worker owned and operated, production company. They trade and produce a variety of goods and sell them across Infaru.


SEIC Sells many goods these include, ice, bunnies and Villager goods.

SEIC Structure


Department of Engineering (DOE)

The Department of Engineering was started in early august by SEIC member Fizzy. This Department is tasked with machinery design and production, Research of resources and natural landscape and Ice purity and locating. The current head of engineering at the DOE is Fizzy.


The DOE building is located in the SEIC HQ, South west of the main building. It is three stories tall with the first being a storage and mapping area, second a file and mail room, and the top floor is a office for the Head of engineering.