
From Infarupedia
Revision as of 02:35, 29 August 2023 by Vuluus (talk | contribs)

VioletXylia joined Infaru on the 29th of July joining Leon. Eventually, Violet went on to leave Leon in search of a new home, and they became the founder of the city of Pittsburgh. In the first parliament meeting a coup was attempted and the remaining government had fled to Twigstown where VioletXylia was deemed as Speaker of The House for the first government of Infaru. Eventually, after seeing Infaru did not have a clear path after the establishment of the constitution they had decided to run for the first Prime Minister of Infaru. Through promises of unity and rejuvenation Violet was successful in becoming the first Prime Minister of Infaru. {{Infobox player | colorcode = 9ce382

| skin = vuluus.png | name = Normande | alias = Normande | pronoun = she/fae/it | java = vuluus | town = Theodoro | party = PRI

National AssemblyDeputyAugust 7th 2023 - August 28th 2023 National AssemblyDeputyAugust 28nd 2023 - September 25th 2023