InfaruV2:South East Infaru Company

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South East Infaru Company
NameSouth East Infaru Company
LocationSouthEastInfaruCo Town
TerritorySouth East
CitizensDe_Remuva, ava_washere, ambercast, Subc0mandante, termite_consumer, AshleyHere_, Duck_Mayb3

The South East Infaru Company, commonly known as the abbreviation SEIC, is an Infaroun corporate worker cooperative that produces and distributes a variety of goods across Infaru, as well as constructing infrastructure in the South East. It primarily operates in the South East, with its headquarters being located in the SouthEastInfaruCo Town, a settlement the company founded. The South East Infaru Company is affiliated with the political party the New Direct Union, as well as operating their own private military group, the First Company Militia.


The South East Infaru Company was founded on the 29th of July 2023 by De_Remuva. The original intention of the company was for it to have the right of colonial governance (including sole privilege of commerce and production) of the South East Tundra on behalf of the Infaru state. De_Remuva, self-proclaimed governor of the South East, attempted to implement a colonial charter in the original drafts of the 1st Infaru constitution when they were made a delegate to the Constituent Assembly. The South East Infaru Company established its first settlement on the 31st of July, the following a controversial deal with user TheUnshameless. For its early stages, the Company and Town was only inhabited and deployed 3 people, De_Remuva, as Governor and mayor of the town, Subc0mandante, a close friend and ally of De_Remuva as well as the First Officer of the company, and TheUnshameless, as Chief Factor.

The settlement of Fort Vasco, as well as the South Eastern trails, were planned during the era of governorship of the company. Troubles arose on the 1st of August when First Officer Subc0mandante, one of the only active builders (TheUnshameless was only nominally part of the company during this period), declared a general strike and demanded worker control of the company. On that same day, negotiations occurred and concluded with the reorganization of the company as a worker cooperative headed, with De_Remuva and Subc0mandante as co-chairs. Following the reorganization, more people joined the settlement and company (while TheUnshameless left, and Renarchat briefly joined). The company has expanded with the creation of an accounting office, walls and railways, a Department of Engineering, and the First Company Militia. On the 17th of August, Subc0mandante became co-mayor of the SouthEastInfaruCo Town. The New Directed Union was founded on the 10th of August by company workers and includes all company employees as members.

During the August 5th Parliamentary Election, conducted under the First Constitution, the South East unanimously voted into office the founder of the company and town, De_Remuva. During the August 8th deputy appointments for the Constitutional Convention, two members of the company, De_Remuva and Subc0mandante, were unanimously selected by residents to represent them. Due to issues of scheduling, SEIC employee and South East resident ava_washere was appointed as the representative of Elysium town. During the August 2023 General Election|August 2023 Prime Ministerial and Assembly elections, the first conducted under the Second Constitution, the South East Electoral District voted unanimously in favour of the New Directed Union.


The South East Infaru Company currently operates the production, distribution and sale of a varieties of goods, primarily ice. The company has also constructed and developed infrastructure in the South East, including highways, railways, walls and buildings.

Company Structure

The company is primarily directed by two presiding officers, named co-chairs. It is governed by the General Company Council, which is a deliberative forum that involves all members of the company. Auxiliary departments and positions are created by the volition of the council.

Current members:

  • De_Remuva, Co-Chair and General Foreman
  • Subc0mandante, Co-Chair and First Officer
  • ava_washere, Chief Labourer
  • ambercast, Chief Engineer
  • termite_consumer, Labourer
  • AshleyHere_, Labourer
  • DuckMayb3, Labourer


Department of Engineering (DoE)

The Department of Engineering was created on the 3rd of August by the request of employee Fizzy|ambercast. The Department is tasked with machinery design and production, research of resources and natural landscape, ice testing and surveying. The current head of department is ambercast.


The DoE building is located in the SouthEastInfaruCo Town, south west of the company headquarters. It is three stories tall. The first level is dedicated to storage and cartography, the second as a filing and mailing room, and the top floor as an office.