InfaruV2:De Remuva

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Revision as of 06:55, 16 September 2023 by De Remuva (talk | contribs) (Minor fix on the dates, links added)

De_Remuva, also known as Remuva or Rem, is an Infaroun politician, businessperson, and lawyer. They serve as the leader of the New Directed Union since its founding and has been a leading figure for the South East Infaru Company. De_Remuva has served as Deputy at the National Assembly for the South East Electoral District since the August elections. With an expansive political portfolio, De_Remuva has been influential in the progression of Infaru Season 2, though they have proven highly controversial and have been decried as a dictator. Ever since September 5th, De_Remuva has been frozen in stasis.

Remedios Remigius Remusique Rempereur de Remuva
  • Remuva
  • De_Remuva
  • Rem
Java NameDe_Remuva
Co-Mayor of SouthEastInfaruCo
17 August 2023 - Present
PredecessorPosition Established
Deputy of the National Assembly
27 August 2023 - Present
PredecessorPosition Established
Co-Chair of the South East Infaru Company
1 August 2023 - Present
PredecessorPosition Established
Former Offices
Mayor of SouthEastInfaruCo
In Office
31July 2023 - 17 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Governor of the South East Infaru Company
In Office
29 July 2023 - 1 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Delegate for the Constituent Assembly
In Office
29 July 2023 - 2 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Deputy of the Great Republican Parliament
In Office
5 August 2023 - 8 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Deputy of the Constitutional Convention
In Office
8 August 2023 - 21 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Member of the Legislative Committee for the Constitutional Convention
In Office
12 August 2023 - 21 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Member of the Military Committee for the Constitutional Convention
In Office
18 August 2023 - 21 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished
Member of the Executive Committee for the Constitutional Convention
In Office
20 August 2023 - 21 August 2023
PredecessorPosition Established
SuccessorPosition Abolished

History and Biography

Founding the Company and early politics

De_Remuva appeared on the 29th of July 2023 right before the start of Infaru Season 2. Their plans were to “lobby the government to get a special charter that [gives] [their] company … the exclusive right to trade and commerce” in the South Eastern Tundra region. This was based on the historical example of the Hudson’s Bay Company monopoly of Rupert’s Land. Later that day, De_Remuva recruited their close friend, Subc0mandante, into the planned company. Subc0mandante would be appointed to the position of First Officer. In a voice chat on that day, De_Remuva was colluding on possible control deals with Normande related to Ice Block supplies to her construction company. The company was structured hierarchically, with De_Remuva as the self-proclaimed governor of the company and region. Quickly, the capital and headquarters of the South East Tundra Region, the SouthEastInfaruCo town, was constructed; plans for further constructions, including Fort Vasco, were imagined by De_Remuva. Fort Vasco, along with the connecting highway, started during the early period.

Politically, De_Remuva showcased their politics of developmentism early on, stating the company “[will] support the development of the Infaru State…”. Their desire to have a chartered company led them to wanting to have such a charter be engrained in the to-be constitution of the Infaroun state itself. Because of this, De_Remuva campaigned to become a delegate of the Constituent Assembly (the body responsible in creating a new constitution). De_Remuva’s appointed to delegation was made possible through the support of themselves, their close friend Subc0mandante, the controversial player and later pirate TheUnshameless, future Islamist Separatist iqra_al_ismali, and the future Minister of Defense and zealot veteran Frogka. The support from TheUnshameless stemmed from a backdoor deal the two made; after a less-than-friendly first contact, the two agreed that De_Remuva would allow TheUnshameless in joining the company and then-under-construction town if the TheUnshameless provided the amount of diamonds necessary to found a town. The deal was fulfilled on the 31st of July.

Company reorganization

While the whole of Infaru was under a crisis due to the Y’Iran’e Rebellion, De_Remuva’s control of their company was also in crisis. Troubles arose on the 1st of August when First Officer Subc0mandante, one of the only active builders, declared a general strike and demanded worker control of the company. On that same day, negotiations occurred and concluded with the reorganization of the company as a worker cooperative, headed by De_Remuva and Subc0mandante as co-chairs. Following the reorganization, more people joined the settlement and company.

Lawyer career

Following the final defeat of the Y’Iran’e rebels, it was announced that they would be tried; lawyers to defend the rebels were needed and De_Remuva volunteered declaring themselves a lawyer. The trial started on the 2nd of August, though one of the rebels was assassinated during a meeting between De_Remuva and their clients. During the trial, De_Remuva stated that the rebels couldn’t be prosecuted for they were victims; arguing they were groomed and mentally insane, De_Remuva concluded that they are not deserving of any punishment, least of all the death penalty. The tribunal, headed by General Renarchat, sentenced the remaining rebels to death. This wasn’t carried out as, following the sentencing of a Infaroun soldier for war crimes, a coup d’état was launched. This first hand experience of witnessing a coup, following a bloody civil war, had a large influence on De_Remuva.

First Convention

After becoming a delegate, De_Remuva’s attempts to get a company charter quickly became controversial and they had to drop such aspirations. One of the most opponents to the idea was the user Thinqq, who threatened to get Frogka to pull their support of De_Remuva’s delegation over the proposed charter; their continued heated debates would lead to De_Remuva blocking them, as well as Thinqq resigning from the Constituent Assembly. De_Remuva was one of the major writers and theorizers, if not the chief writer, of the first constitution. Their main frame for the constitution is that the future Infaroun state is unitary, follows unicameralism, has a weak directorial executive, and has “simplicity in public function”. Sortitionism was also promoted by De_Remuva and added to the constitution. The accepted constitution had little difference to the first draft solely written by De_Remuva. Some, including Frogka (who replaced VioletXylia as delegate) critic the process as purposefully rushed by De_Remuva, claiming they used the on-going separatist rebellion to pressure support for the constitution to be adopted. Either way, on the 2nd of August Remuva’s constitution was accepted by the two other remaining delegates: Frogka and Biggly.

First Infaroun Constitutional Regime and Putsch

Following the adoption of the new constitution, a vocal minority started to protest against it. Normande, who will become a proponent political opponent to De_Remuva, would decry the constitution and the company as dictatorial, along with decrying De_Remuva as a dictator. The Otter News, a private media company owned and operated by Normande, would quickly focus their efforts on decrying De_Remuva’s political actions. Elections were set for the 5th of August. Plans for a coup were brewing, but aside from public suspicions nothing concrete was leaked. Tensions were strong in the early hours of the election, with Normande threatening action to prevent De_Remuva’s supposed ascension to presidency (an office that didn’t exist in the constitution, due to misinformation being spreader regarding it). VioletXylia, as head of the town of Pittsburgh, stated that if the South East Infaru Company is involved in a war against Infaru, then Pittsburgh would “side [with] seic [sic]”. De_Remuva was elected to be the Deputy for the SouthEastInfaruCo town at the Great Republican Parliament, the legislative body of the first Republic. Shortly as session was declared, the Infaroun Armed Forces, lead by Renarchat, Normande, and Frogka (among others), would enter the chamber and declare a coup d’état. This was the second coup d’état that Normande has participated in. Due to complications rendering the putschists weapons inoperable, the remaining deputies (De_Remuva, TwigstopherRobin, VioletXylia [Loga], ayvik, Nolandeni, foxcubensis) convened at the town of Twigstown. The Parliament in session in Twigstown swore to protect democracy and, following the proposal of then-deputy TwigstopherRobin, abolished the Infaroun Armed Forces, declared it a terrorist organization, and pardoned any members that surrendered to the republic. De_Remuva was pivitol in organizing the parliamentary session in operating the sortitionist methods to select a Director of the Parliament (VioletXylia), the Committee for Social Coordination (TwigstopherRobin, Nalondeni, foxcubensis), and a secretary (ava_washere). During the day, the putschist forces dwindled to nothing, though calls, from the usual voices, decrying De_Remuva as a dictator were made. De_Remuva, after consultations, also announced that, due to the extraordinary nature of the Parliament that day, new elections would be held on the following Wednesday. The combined direction of both VioletXylia and De_Remuva led to the creation of the Republican Guard, temporarily tenured by the head of the United Nations (Iqra_Al_Ismaili). The first session of Parliament was closed by the suggestion of De_Remuva.

Second Convention

Second Infaroun Constitutional Regime and Trial


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