InfaruV2:September 2023 General Election

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Revision as of 20:19, 28 September 2023 by Chat (talk | contribs)

The August 2023 General Election is the second election of the Republic of Infaru It was held on the 27th of September 2023, to elect the 2nd Infaruan National Assembly, and the Prime Minister of Infaru.

September 2023 Infaruan Deputy Election
← Aug 2023 September 27, 2023 (2023-09-27) Oct 2023 →

5 National Assembly Seats
3 seats needed for a majority
  Majority party Minority party Third party
  VioletXylia.png Lfiii.png Noleader.jpeg
Leader VioletXylia Loup Fox III -
Party Directed Socialist Front for Infaru Liberal Group for Business and Temperance Independents
Leader since 24th of August 2023 21 September 2023
Last election 2 N/A 2
Seats before 1 2 1
Seats won 3 2 0
Seat change 2Increase2.png 2 2Decrease2.png
Popular vote 10 15 1
Percentage 37%Increase2.png 55.6%Increase2.png 3.7%Decrease2.png

Deputy election SEP2023.png
Map of the deputy election and its different districts

Premier VioletXylia (Loga) was elected with a thin margin of two votes against rival candidate Loup Fox III, while their party, the Directed Socialist front for Infaru (DSFI) won a majority of the National Assembly's seats in a controversial tiebreaker, forming a majority legislature. The League for Business and Temperance, a party formed shortly before the election, got only two of the five National Assembly seats despite getting over 50% of the popular vote in the deputy election.


The date of the election was decided by the Courts of Infaru shortly after the August general election, and once again was mostly organized by Judge Willow7779.

In the weeks leading up to the election, Loup Fox III and Vivyi formed the Liberal Group, which quickly became one of the biggest parties within infaru, causing the now defunct Party for the Rejuvenation of Infaru to merge with the New Directed Union to form the DSFI. As opposed to last election, both parties ran candidates in more than three of the five districts, making the election truly competitive.

In the week before election day, many voice chat debates were held, most prominently between Loup Fox III and Loga, public perception of the debates was diverse, many thinking Loup came out victorious out of the debates while other thought Loga's moderate arguments were more appealing. During the campaign, Loup advocated for never before heard ideas such as privatizing the Ministry of Public Works and cutting some taxes.


The Central district's vote ended in a tie once again, however the Liberal Elysians criticized the result, claiming that Biggly's tactic of getting inactive players to log on to vote was unethical. As all voters in the election were registered, there was no legal basis to the complaint, and a tie breaker where both candidate fought in an unarmed fight was held.



Graphic showing the composition of the National Assembly right after the election
Summary of Infaruan National Assembly election results, September 2023
Political Party Party Leader Members of NA Votes
Candidates Aug 2023 Sep 2023 Change
# %
Directed Socialist Front for Infaru VioletXylia 3 2 3 Increase2.png 1Increase2.png 10Increase2.png 37Increase2.png
Liberal Group for Business and Temperance Loup Fox III 4 - 2 Increase2.png 2Increase2.png 15Increase2.png 55.6Increase2.png
Independent - 1 2 0Decrease2.png 2Decrease2.png 1Decrease2.png 3.7Decrease2.png
Summary of Infaruan Prime Minister election results, September 2023
Political Party Party Leader Candidates Votes
Candidates Winner? # %
Directed Socialist Front for Infaru VioletXylia VioletXylia YES 14 53.8
Liberal Group for Business and Temperance Loup Fox III Loup Fox III NO 12 46.2

Map of the Prime Minister Elections