InfaruV2:Liberal-Progressive Party of Infaru

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Revision as of 01:11, 29 September 2023 by Wanda061 (talk | contribs)

The Liberal Group for Business and Temperance, (more commonly known as the Liberal Group or just the Liberals) is a major party within the Republic of Infaru. It espouses Fiscally Liberal, Socially Conservative, beliefs. It came into existence and acquired a plurality of the seats in the 1st Infaruan National Assembly during the second half of September 2023.

Liberal Group for Business and Temperance
NameLiberal Group for Business and Temperance
Party leaderVivyi
FounderVivyi, Ihrs, and Loup Fox III
Founded13 September 2023
  • Center-Right
  • Economic Liberalism
  • Infaruan Nationalism
  • Elysianism
  •   Cornflower Blue
  •   White
National Assembly Seats
1 / 5


The Party was founded on the 13th of September 2023 by Loup Fox III, Vivyi and Ihrs in order to represent fiscally conservative business interests within Infaru, as up until then every party was some form of economic populist, which according to Ihrs and Loup Fox III was leading to reckless over-budget spending.

The Party quickly grew to rival the PRI as it recruited Southwestern Deputy, Ayvik, into the party, and later on won the contested Western District Snap Election.


The iconography of the party is mostly derived from the Elysian Faith. In the Elysian Faith, it is believed that the waters of Infaru are infused with the ichor of the Sky Goddess Elysia, and are therefore blessed and holy. This can be seen with many of the slogans and icons of the party:

  • The party symbol, a scale, has water droplets replacing the plates of a traditional weighing scale. The scales represent balance, and the water droplets represent justice.
  • A variety of terms used the party, "Blue Wave," "Tide of Fate," etc. originate from the fact that the party gets inspiration from the Elysian Faith's water beliefs.
  • The party also fights to protect otters, has otter members, and sometimes uses otters in its iconography. Otters are mammals that inhabit the water, which further ties in with the water iconography.
  • The blue colour of the party wasn't merely chosen for its ties to liberalism; it also represents the waters of Infaru.

Party Membership