InfaruV3:Fidele Seignpapier

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Jean-Fidele Soleil Seignpapier, also known as Fidele Seignpapier, is an Aréolean administrator in the crown colony of Anguille.

Jean-Fidele Soleil Seignpapier
  • Fidele
  • Jean IV
  • Tache D'encre
Java NameFrogka
  • Administrator
  • Guild Member

Early Life

Fidele Seignpapier was born [DoB] in the outskirts of Brest in the infirmary of the Seignpapier family estate, Maison des Seignpapiers. He is the youngest of the six children of Jean Seignpapier, the current head of the Seignpapier household. He inherited his first name, Jean, from his father due to the old Salinisian naming convention kept alive in the household. His middle name, Soleil, was given by his mother due to his birth on a holy day of the Faith.

Being the youngest of Jean's four sons, Fidele Seignpapier is not expected to inherit his father's household. From childhood, the young Seignpapier was often neglected by his parents for his older brothers, creating a strained relationship between him and the rest of the family.


Being a member of the Seignpapier family, Fidele was expected from birth to become an administrator like the rest of of the males in his family. At the age of five he was assigned a tutor from the guild circles and quickly found extreme difficulty in his studies. His tutor claimed that he displayed a strong lack of motivation towards joining in with the traditional family work, likely due to his strained relationship with his brothers and father.

However, at the age of 7, Fidele's older sister Margaux died of pneumonia. Being the family member that he was closest to, he was deeply affected by her death. His tutor noticed his previously rebellious attitude becoming more emotionally cold, this extended to his studies where Fidele began to be described as a clinical and focused student.

Fidele was eventually accepted into the prestigious Académie des greffiers where he ascended to the top of the cohort. While he was described by his peers as being extremely easy to get along with, Fidele was renowned in the academy as an ambitious and quiet student. He would often forgo the large balls thrown by the academy in favor of smaller parties that he described as 'an enjoyable but necessarily short-winded escape from work'.

Fidele was also known among the staff as a great student who would remain quiet during lessons yet unafraid to ask questions or give criticism when demanded. He often involved himself in the philosophical and political societies in the academy, becoming known as the 'L'épaule Du Roi' due to his reformist-absolutist beliefs. This nickname was less popular than his older nickname, 'Tache D'encre', given due to his notably ink stained fingers he woould acquire after hours of writing each day. Despite the praise of his teachers, Fidele was at one time suspended from the academy due to the discovery of large amounts of cocaine ampoules discovered in his dorm, as well his tendency to sneak girls from the city into the dormitory.

During his last year at the academy, Fidele became interested in the emerging colonial bureaucracy and colonial wealth of the kingdom. Within his political circle, he advocated for the expansion of the Aréolean colonial holdings in order to massively accumulate economic assets and power for the kingdom to wield against the Spartacian polities. It is alledged by other members of the politics society that Fidele developed Pan-Meridian beliefs, seeking Aréolean hegemony across the continent.

Fidele graduated the academy with glowing praise from the teachers and headmaster of the academy, described by many as the best student in the past 3 years.

Guild Career

After graduation, Fidele moved straight back into his family home so that he could easily commute to the capital for work. During his time at the academy, Fidele made many connections with children of guild workers and thus found an easy time finding jobs with his education. Working mostly as an accountant, Fidele developed an attractive portfolio during his year of work, bouncing between artisan groups when it suited him.

Fidele was often propositioned by affluent guild members to marry their daughters. Although he would occasionally agree to court them for short periods of times, Fidele preferred to remain a bachelor as he believed 'marriage gets in the way of my job'. He was often spotted dining with lower noble women, wives of guild members, and was seen on more than one occasion in the Burgundy District.

It is during his time working for the shipbuilders guild that he discovered a love of sailing. He would often race with other guild members along the coast of Brest and even participated in the infamous 'Bayonne Booze Cruise' that resulted in the death of two nobles and one of the king's nephews.