Tutorials:Trade Shop

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Revision as of 18:46, 10 May 2024 by Infaru (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Infaru uses a plugin called [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tradeshop.32762/ TradeShop] to create simple shops where items can be easily exchanged. === Creating a Shop === Place a sign on a shift (shift + right click) and type [Trade], hit done. To add a product face the sign you just placed type <code>/ts addProduct <amount> <material></code> (If a material isn't provided the item in your hand will be used. Amount defaults to 1 if not specified.) To add the item...")
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Infaru uses a plugin called TradeShop to create simple shops where items can be easily exchanged.

Creating a Shop

Place a sign on a shift (shift + right click) and type [Trade], hit done.

To add a product face the sign you just placed type /ts addProduct <amount> <material> (If a material isn't provided the item in your hand will be used. Amount defaults to 1 if not specified.)

To add the item you want for that product type /ts addCost <amount> <material> (If a material isn't provided the item in your hand will be used. Amount defaults to 1 if not specified.)

Managing your Shop

To remove a product or cost just type /ts removeCost/removeProduct

To add a member (able to open the chest) type /ts addMember <username>

To add a manager (able to open the chest and change product/cost items) type /ts addManager <username>

To clear a user's rights to the shop tpye /ts removeUser <username>