Zeek Quintus

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Zeek Quintus is a Senator and Party leader residing in Quintilia, a settlement connected to Liberty City.

Zeek Quintus
Java NameZeek999999
TownLiberty City
PartyWhig Party
Liberty City Senator
May 5, 2024 (2024-05-05) -

North Quintilia Trading Company

On April 25th, A.D. 2024, Zeek began the construction of a colony on Quintilia, an island to the North of Liberty City. About two days later on April 27th, Quintus established the North Quintilia Trading Company (NQTC), and built an office building for it in Downtown Liberty City. The company has since established the mining settlement of New Salamanca in the windswept gravel hills on the north bank of Liberty Lake. The NQTC offers building supplies, building services, plots of land, and naval construction. The company has a close relationship with the government of Liberty City, providing materials for the construction of the Railroad, digging canals and tunnels for the City's recent infrastructure projects, and building corvettes for the Liberty City Navy.

Work with the Infaru Corporation of Expansion

The NQTC maintains a close partnership with the Infaru Corporation of Expansion (ICE), assisting with their founding and providing the materials for the settlement of The Rock, an archipelago outside the borders of Infaru.