November 2024 Southern Elections

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The November 2024 Southern Elections was held on November 30th 2024 to elect all 3 members of the Southern Regional Assembly, the Southern Governor as well as the Southern Procensor.


The Southern Regional Government was created in reaction of the stark decline of the region during the many Liberal-Conservative central governments. A referendum was passed to approve of a southern regional constitution, which was ratified by the Senate, scheduling the elections to be a week later.

The election is very competitive, with the Liberal-Conservative Party, and newly created populist Southern People's Alliance contesting all seats of the regional assembly, with the latter contesting all other offices; while the former has been supported by the Progressive Party of Faru and the Democratic Mandate Party for the Procensor and Gubernatorial races respectively.

Many debates between Regional Assembly candidates and Gubernatorial candidates were held, which is unusual in Farun Elections, with only executive candidates typically engaging in debates.


The Election was a narrow victory for the People's Alliance, winning the governorship in a landslide but only winning two regional assembly seats with a margin of one vote in each race.

Legislative Election Results
Southern People's Alliance1448.28New2New
Liberal-Conservative Party1034.48New1New


Name Party District
Karl Steinbach Southern People's Alliance 1 (Urbis City)
Volha Pollak Liberal-Conservative Party 2 (Rural South)
Felix Loupius Southern People's Alliance A (At Large)

The Southern Regional Assembly is elected via first past the post in geographical districts, however districts are grouped in pairs of two to form super-districts, that vote for an additional candidate, regular districts are labeled with numbers, while super-districts are labeled with letters.

Gubernatorial Election Results
Appoline TheriotSouthern People's Alliance1275.00
Johnaton GodfreyDemocratic Mandate Party318.75
RonaldLiberal-Conservative Party16.25
Procensor Election Results
Mike NovemberSouthern People's Alliance850.00
Sarah Hart-WardProgressive Party of Faru850.00

The Procensor election is currently a tie, either there will be a runoff election, or a candidate will concede, this is unknown as of now.