
From Infarupedia


* The Flag of Novograd, once used as a battle banner for the 23rd Swopian Rifle Battalion. * Mayor: Nikolai Yazov * Territory: District 6 * Citizens: 9 * Government: Citizens Council of Novograd * Region: Vozhdvoda * Party: Union Party

Novograd is a large town located in the Southeast of Faru. It is between the major towns of Markarth

and Zallisburg. It is known to be the middle of Eastern Faru and can be influential when the time calls.


The town and its people have a rich history. Led by their stalwart Lieutenant-Mayor Nikolai Yazov, the population of Novograd are almost entirely Swopian. Most Novogradians were soldiers for the Swopian Empire in the 23rd Swopian Rifle Battalion under Lieutenant Yazov. As the Swopian Revolution raged, the 23rd battalion fought bravely for the Empire against the forces of the Swopian Red Army. As the Empire lost ground, and the evacuation to what is now Siniswopia was ordered, the 23rd was cut off from the rest of the Imperial forces. And thus "Operation Zapad" was done. the 23rd retreated to a port city and used the remaining ships for evacuation, taking many loyalist

civilians with them in their exodus. The wary travelers eventually found themselves in Farun waters, and after finding an area that felt like their homeland created their settlement, Novograd. "New Town" In Swopian.

Town History

Novograd was founded in 1921 by Nikolai Yazov, the town was started when the group found an abandoned shack known as "Awesomeville" and decided to build another shack nearby. The town was saved from destruction by a generous donation of food by Father Miller to the starving populace. The town grew and grew to fit the needs of the population. Eventually the Swopian Faith was brought to the town and encouraged by famous Zallite Father Paulus. Novograd, Zallisburg, and Markarth were treated unfairly and formed the Eastern Regional Government (1924-1927). Novograd was largely quiet during this time with exception of participation within the regional government making their voice heard. Novograds politics were shook in 1925 with the arrival of Vanguard in the largely unpolitical city, which only held political loyalty to the Swopian monarchy. Some Novogradians joined Vanguard and during the party's colllapse chaos took over the city as citizens took up arms against the Vanguard traitors. The arrival of Saibmi Joiker from Coldstream shook the inner politics once again with The Horizon Alliance and then the Union Party which still holds power within Novograd. One of the most important events in Novograd was the attacks of 12/11. Where a small army of Markarthers fueled with hatred burnt down a house and killed a Schlorbian Family within Novograd. This act severed ties between Novograd and Markarth, which caused the collapse of the Eastern Region and establishment of the Vozhdvoda League.

The Future

Novograd has an unsure future, after the dissolvement of the East and severed relations with Markarth, the population seeks new opportunities. Mayor Nikolai Yazov, despite his age, still hopes to one day reclaim their homeland. Is it a pipe dream or is it feasible? Will Novograd survive the years? Only history can tell. And history shall favor us. Victory will be ours!

Important People

Nikolai Yazov- The Mayor of Novograd, 45 years old as of 1927, Represents Novograd usually in public events, Seems cold but is kind to his people. Cares more about his town and people than anything.

Saibmi Joiker- Lead Architect of Novograd, 21 years old as of 1927, one of the few Novogradians not from Swopia, Leader of the Union Party, young and full of passionate vigor.

Resnov- One of Nikolai's oldest friends, 43 as of 1927, lead producer of Novogradian arms, one of the more Jingoistic and warmongering Novogradians.

Patriarch Vasilikov- Leader of the Swopian Church in Novograd, 60 as of 1927, mentor of all Novogradians, pacifist and merciful, better than most.

D A V I D- Local Novogradian Cryptid, left behind the anomaly "David's Flame", appears every once in a while to cause havoc within the area before the Patriarch sends him back to where ever he is from.